jueves, 2 de junio de 2016

Por eso cada vez soy más inteligente

Hace unos días leí el artículo How Neuroscientists Explain the Mind-Clearing Magic of Running. El artículo explica los beneficios que aporta el correr:
About three decades of research in neuroscience have identified a robust link between aerobic exercise and subsequent cognitive clarity, and to many in this field the most exciting recent finding in this area is that of neurogenesis.
Es verdad, a mí el correr me proporciona una claridad mental que siempre he asociado a la falta de oxígeno en el cerebro.

Pero la ciencia ha descubierto algo mucho más interesante e importante:
Studies in animal models have shown that new neurons are produced in the brain throughout the lifespan, and, so far, only one activity is known to trigger the birth of those new neurons: vigorous aerobic exercise, said Karen Postal, president of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology. “That’s it,” she said. “That’s the only trigger that we know about.” 
The other fascinating thing here is where these new cells pop up: in the hippocampus, a region of the brain associated with learning and memory. So this could help explain, at least partially, why so many studies have identified a link between aerobic exercise and improvement in memory.
¡Toma ya!

Correr ayuda a generar neuronas nuevas en el cerebro, en especial en la parte del cerebro asociada a la memoria y el aprendizaje.

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